Bunbury to Busselton, WA: Distance, driving time & road trip stops

Bunbury to Busselton, WA: Distance, driving time & road trip stops

The Bunbury to Busselton drive covers a distance of 53km, with a driving time of around 39 minutes. Road trip attractions include Dalyellup Beach and the Tuart Forest National Park.

The drive from Bunbury to Busselton connects two of the largest cities in Western Australia outside of Perth.

Bunbury and Busselton are very close together, so this is not a long drive. It’s mainly along the Bussell Highway, which runs roughly parallel to the coast as it rounds Geographe Bay.

Bunbury to Busselton distance and driving time

The distance from Bunbury to Busselton by car is 53km, which makes for a driving time of around 39 minutes.

What to book in Bunbury – 5 fabulous experiences.

Top Bunbury accommodation choices

The best places to stay in Bunbury are:

Obviously, there’s no need to build in any road trip stops for a drive this short. But there are some attractions on the way that may tempt.

Mostly, these Bunbury to Busselton road trip attractions come in the form of Indian Ocean beaches.

Bunbury to Busselton drive: Dalyellup Beach, Stirling Beach and Peppermint Grove Beach

You can get to Dalyellup Beach from Dalyellup and Stirling Beach from Stratham. Arguably the most appealing of all is the 14km beach that is known as Peppermint Grove Beach at the northern end, and Forrest Beach at the southern end. Peppermint Grove Beach is best accessed from Capel.

Peppermint Grove Beach, Western Australia
Peppermint Grove Beach, Western Australia.

Between the beach and the Bussell Highway is the Tuart Forest National Park. This small national park preserves old growth Tuart trees, some of which are more than 30 metres tall.

Bunbury to Busselton road trip attractions: Possum Night Spotlighting Trail

There are walking trails in the forest, but the star attraction is the Possum Night Spotlighting Trail. Come here after the sun goes down, and you’ve got a decent chance of seeing the rare western ringtail possum. Bring your torch, and other nocturnal residents of the national park include kangaroos and quendas.

The last feasible option for a detour before entering Busselton is Wonnerup Beach. But that can easily be tackled as a short jaunt from Busselton, home of one of the longest jetties on earth.

5 Busselton experiences worth booking in advance

Top Busselton accommodation choices

The best places to stay in Busselton are:

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