Mandurah train line: Perth to Mandurah timetables and fare prices

Mandurah train line: Perth to Mandurah timetables and fare prices

Perth to Mandurah trains on the Mandurah train line take 52 minutes according to the timetable. Cash fares from Perth to Mandurah cost $4.90.

The Mandurah train line runs between Perth and Mandurah in Western Australia. It is generally used as a commuter service, but it can also be handy for visitors to Perth’s southern suburbs.

The Mandurah train line is part of the Transperth network. It begins at Perth Underground Station, then continues to Elizabeth Quay, Canning Bridge, Bull Creek and Murdoch.

The Perth to Mandurah train then stops at Cockburn Central, Aubin Grove, Kwinana and Wellard. The final three stations on the Mandurah train line are Rockingham, Warnbro and Mandurah.

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Mandurah train line timetable

The Mandurah train line timetable has the first train departing from Perth Underground at 5.30am. There are then trains at least every 15 minutes until 9.23pm. The frequency slows down after than, with Perth to Mandurah trains departing roughly every half hour until 12.15am.

The full rail journey from Perth to Mandurah takes around 52 minutes.

Mandurah train line fares

The Mandurah train line doesn’t cost much to use. The cash fare from Perth to Mandurah is $4.90, although you can get it slightly cheaper using the SmartRider system

The major issue with using the Mandurah train line for tourism purposes is that none of the stations along it are as close to the coast as they might be. Rockingham Station is at the eastern end of Rockingham, for example, rather than conveniently close to the Penguin Island ferries.

Most of the attractive spots along the route are on the coast, and the Mandurah train line doesn’t go near them. It is not much use for Fremantle, Coogee Beach or Port Kennedy, for example.

Once in Mandurah, you can treat it as a seaside town destination in its own right, or branch out towards the likes of Dawesville or Pinjarra.

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Mandurah waterways
Mandurah is all about the waterways. Photo courtesy of Tourism Western Australia.

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