Driving times in Western Australia

Western Australia is the biggest Australian state. Given that WA is bigger than Algeria, it should come as no surprise to learn that driving distances can be huge. Getting from one part of the state to another can take hours if not days. Therefore, a bit of research into road trip attractions you can cover on the way can pay handsome dividends.

Australia Travel Questions is busy putting together guides for the most important routes. These guides look at the distances, driving times and top attraction worth pulling over for on the way. The routes that are covered so far are listed and linked to below.
Western Australia driving times
Albany to Bremer Bay: Distance 181km, driving time 1h56m.
Albany to Hopetoun: Distance 342km, driving time 3h37m.
Albany to Perth: Distance 419km, driving time 4h33m.
Albany to Ravensthorpe: Distance 295km, driving time 3h5m.
Baldivis to Rockingham: Distance 15.4km, driving time 14m.
Balladonia to Eucla: Distance 518km, driving time 5h15m.
Balladonia to Perth: Distance 1,440km, driving time 15h25m.
Broome to Derby: Distance 221km, driving time 2h14m.
Broome to Fitzroy Crossing: Distance 396km, driving time 4h2m.
Broome to Perth (inland): Distance 2,222km, driving time 23h20m.
Bunbury to Bridgetown: Distance 95km, driving time 1h11m.
Bunbury to Busselton: Distance 53km, driving time 39m. (More Busselton road trips).
Bunbury to Collie: Distance 56km, driving time 43m.
Bunbury to Dunsborough: Distance 81km, driving time 1h8m.
Bunbury to Manjimup: Distance 135km, driving time 1h31m.
Bunbury to Margaret River: Distance 102km, driving time 1h13m.
Bunbury to Pemberton: Distance 163km, driving time 1h58m.
Busselton to Augusta: Distance 95km, driving time 1h7m.
Busselton to Dunsborough: Distance 25km, driving time 23m.
Busselton to Margaret River: Distance 52km, driving time 40m.
Busselton to Yallingup: Distance 35km, driving time 32m.
Carnarvon to Broome: Distance 1,460km, driving time 14h50m.
Carnarvon to Coral Bay: Distance 238km, driving time 2h27m. (More Carnarvon road trips).
Carnarvon to Exmouth: Distance 365km, driving time 3h42m. (More Exmouth road trips).
Carnarvon to Karratha: Distance 638km, driving time 6h33m.
Carnarvon to Port Hedland: Distance 859km, driving time 8h50m.
Coral Bay to Broome: Distance 1,348km, driving time 13h44m.
Coral Bay to Exmouth: Distance 153km, driving time 1h38m.
Coral Bay to Karratha: Distance 546km, driving time 5h34m.
Coral Bay to Port Hedland: Distance 754km, driving time 7h47m.
Cue to Perth: Distance 642km, driving time 6h48m.
Dalwallinu to Perth: Distance 246km, driving time 2h42m.
Denham to Broome: Distance 1,779km, driving time 17h50m.
Denham to Exmouth: Distance 683km, driving time 6h50m.
Denham to Karratha: Distance 957km, driving time 9h38m.
Denham to Monkey Mia: Distance 26km, driving time 18m. (More Monkey Mia road trips).
Denham to Port Hedland: Distance 1,179km, driving time 11h50m.
Denmark to Albany: Distance 55km, driving time 40m.
Dongara to Geraldton: Distance 64km, driving time 43m. (More Geraldton road trips).
Donnybrook to Bunbury: Distance 37km, driving time 32m.
Dunsborough to Margaret River: Distance 46km, driving time 35m.
Eucla to Norseman: Distance 709km, driving time 7h13m.
Exmouth to Broome: Distance 1,372km, driving time 14h20m.
Exmouth to Onslow: Distance 399km, driving time 4h24m.
Exmouth to Karratha: Distance 548km, driving time 5h57m.
Exmouth to Port Hedland: Distance 776km, driving time 8h25m.
Geraldton to Carnarvon: Distance 476km, driving time 4h48m.
Geraldton to Coral Bay: Distance 707km, driving time 7h14m.
Geraldton to Exmouth: Distance 833km, driving time 8h23m.
Geraldton to Kalbarri: Distance 156km, driving time 1h44m. (More driving times to Kalbarri).
Geraldton to Monkey Mia: Distance 432km, driving time 4h32m.
Jurien Bay to Geraldton: Distance 196km, driving time 2h3m.
Kalbarri to Broome: Distance 1,896km, driving time 19h.
Kalbarri to Carnarvon: Distance 444km, driving time 4h33m.
Kalbarri to Coral Bay: Distance 673km, driving time 6h53m.
Kalbarri to Denham: Distance 374km, driving time 3h45m.
Kalbarri to Exmouth: Distance 799km, driving time 8h8m.
Kalbarri to Karratha: Distance 1,074km, driving time 10h50m.
Kalbarri to Monkey Mia: Distance 399km, driving time 3h57m.
Kalbarri to Port Hedland: Distance 1,293km, driving time 12h58m.
Kalgoorlie to Balladonia: Distance 377km, driving time 4h. (More Kalgoorlie road trips).
Kalgoorlie to Eucla: Distance 894km, driving time 9h9m.
Kalgoorlie to Kambalda: Distance 60km, driving time 40m.
Kalgoorlie to Norseman: Distance 187km, driving time 2h3m.
Kalgoorlie to Perth: Distance 593km, driving time 6h30m.
Karijini to Perth: Distance 1,362km, driving time 14h23m.
Karratha to Broome: Distance 834km, driving time 8h38m.
Karratha to Port Hedland: Distance 230km, driving time 2h27m.
Katanning to Perth: Distance 287km, driving time 3h9m.
Kellerberrin to Perth: Distance 203km, driving time 2h25m.
Kojonup to Albany: Distance 154km, driving time 1h40m.
Kojonup to Perth: Distance 264km, driving time 3h.
Mandurah to Bunbury: Distance 104km, driving time 1h14m.
Mandurah to Busselton: Distance 157km, driving time 1h43m.
Mandurah to Margaret River: Distance 205km, driving time 2h24m.
Margaret River to Augusta: Distance 44km, driving time 30m.
Margaret River to Bridgetown: Distance 118km, driving time 1h22m.
Meekatharra to Perth: Distance 757km, driving time 8h2m.
Merredin to Perth: Distance 261km, driving time 2h57m.
Monkey Mia to Broome: Distance 1,803km, driving time 8h3m.
Monkey Mia to Carnarvon: Distance 352km, driving time 3h37m.
Monkey Mia to Coral Bay: Distance 581km, driving time 5h51m.
Monkey Mia to Exmouth: Distance 707km, driving time 7h.
Monkey Mia to Karratha: Distance 982km, driving time 9h52m.
Monkey Mia to Port Hedland: Distance 1,203km, driving time 12h3m.
Mount Magnet to Perth: Distance 562km, driving time 5h57m.
Narrogin to Perth: Distance 197km, driving time 2h20m.
Newman to Broome: Distance 1,109km, driving time 11h41m.
Newman to Perth: Distance 1,177km, driving time 12h30m.
New Norcia to Perth: Distance 126km, driving time 1h24m.
Norseman to Cocklebiddy: Distance 437km, driving time 4h27m.
Onslow to Karratha: Distance 303km, driving time 3h11m.
Pemberton to Albany: Distance 240km, driving time 2h49m.
Pemberton to Denmark: Distance 208km, driving time 2h32m.
Pemberton to Walpole: Distance 120km, driving time 1h20m.
Perth to Albany: Distance 413km, driving time 4h38m. (More road trips from Perth).
Perth to Bridgetown: Distance 258km, driving time 2h47m.
Perth to Broome: Distance 2,028km, driving time 22h25m.
Perth to Bunbury: Distance 168km, driving time 2h10m.
Perth to Busselton: Distance 222km, driving time 2h19m.
Perth to Carnarvon: Distance 891km, driving time 9h15m.
Perth to Cervantes: Distance 197km, driving time 2h6m.
Perth to Coral Bay: Distance 1,125km, driving time 12h33m.
Perth to Denham: Distance 823km, driving time 8h46m.
Perth to Dongara: Distance 354km, driving time 3h48m.
Perth to Donnybrook: Distance 202km, driving time 2h8m.
Perth to Dunsborough: Distance 244km, driving time 2h58m.
Perth to Eucla: Distance 1,426km, driving time 15h12m.
Perth to Exmouth: Distance 1,250km, driving time 13 hours.
Perth to Fremantle: Distance 19km, driving time 22m.
Perth to Geraldton: Distance 419km, driving time 4h22m.
Perth to Jurien Bay: Distance 220km, driving time 2h23m.
Perth to Kalbarri: Distance 571km, driving time 6h8m.
Perth to Karratha: Distance 1,527km, driving time 15h53m.
Perth to Lancelin: Distance 126km, driving time 1h30m.
Perth to Mandurah: Distance 71km, driving time 52m.
Perth to Manjimup: Distance 294km, driving time 3h14m.
Perth to Margaret River: Distance 274km, driving time 2h54m.
Perth to Monkey Mia: Distance 847km, driving time 8h54m.
Perth to Norseman: Distance 722km, driving time 7h46m.
Perth to Northam: Distance 96km, driving time 1h17m.
Perth to Onslow: Distance 1,373km, driving time 14h17m.
Perth to Pemberton: Distance 326km, driving time 3h34m.
Perth to Wave Rock: Distance 336km, driving time 3h42.
Port Hedland to Broome: Distance 604km, driving time 6h6m.
Port Hedland to Newman: Distance 447km, driving time 4h51m.
Port Hedland to Perth: Distance 1,629km, driving time 17h21m.
Rockingham to Mandurah: Distance 33km, driving time 38m.
Tom Price to Perth: Distance 1,452km, driving time 15h29m.
Two Rocks to Perth: Distance 66km, driving time 1h.
Walpole to Albany: Distance 120km, driving time 1h27m.
Walpole to Denmark: Distance 66km, driving time 48m.
Williams to Albany: Distance 249km, driving time 2h38m.
Williams to Perth: Distance 169km, driving time 2h.
Yanchep to Perth: Distance 56km, driving time 51m.
York to Perth: Distance 98km, driving time 1h15m.