The best waterfalls in Australia
Australia is blessed with hundreds of waterfalls, many reached via forest walks and offering enticing swimming pools at the bottom. This index should help you find the best waterfalls near where you are.
Australia doesn’t have its own equivalent of Niagara, Victoria or Iguazu Falls. Such thundering, all-powerful beasts are a rare breed, and should be celebrated in their own right. What Australia does have, however, is hundreds of really beautiful waterfalls.
The classic Australian waterfall is one that plunges daintily through a forest setting, landing in a seductive pool at the bottom. Some of these pools you can swim in, others you can’t.
There are often lookouts near car parks where you can get a good photo of the waterfall, plus walking trails through the forest that take you to the base of the falls.
There are waterfalls in all the Australian states and territories, although they tend to concentrate around the Great Dividing Range. Several have individual coverage on Australia Travel Questions, and they are listed below. Click through for more information.
Waterfalls in New South Wales
Belmore Falls in the Southern Highlands, NSW.
Carrington Falls in Budderoo National Park, NSW.
Crystal Shower Falls in Dorrigo National Park, NSW.
Dangar Falls in Dorrigo, NSW.
Ebor Falls in the Guy Fawkes River National Park, NSW.
Fitzroy Falls in Morton National Park, NSW.
Killen Falls near Ballina, NSW.
Minyon Falls in Nightcap National Park, NSW.
Waterfalls in the Northern Territory
Jim Jim Falls in Kakadu National Park.
Waterfalls in Queensland
Buderim Falls in Buderim, Sunshine Coast.
Cedar Creek Falls in Tamborine National Park near the Gold Coast.
Coomba Falls near Kingaroy.
Curtis Falls in Tamborine National Park, Queensland.
Davies Creek Falls near Mareeba, Atherton Tableland.
Ellinjaa Falls in the Atherton Tableland, Queensland.
Emerald Creek Falls near Mareeba, Atherton Tableland.
Fairy Falls in the Lamb Range near Cairns.
Gardners Falls near Maleny, Sunshine Coast.
Josephine Falls near Babinda, Queensland.
Jourama Falls near Ingham, Queensland.
Malanda Falls near Yungaburra, Atherton Tableland.
Millaa Millaa Falls in the Atherton Tableland, Queensland.
Murray Falls near Cardwell, Queensland.
Nandroya Falls in Wooroonooran National Park, Queensland.
Purling Brook Falls in Springbrook National Park, Queensland.
Wallaman Falls in Girringun National Park, Queensland.
Wappa Falls near Yandina, Sunshine Coast.
Windin Falls in Wooroonooran National Park, Queensland.
Zillie Falls in the Atherton Tableland.
Waterfalls in South Australia
Morialta Falls in Adelaide, South Australia.
Waterfalls in Tasmania
Myrtle Gully Falls in Hobart.
Waterfalls in Victoria
Agnes Falls near Toora, South Gippsland.
Beauchamp Falls in the Great Otway National Park, Victoria.
Buckley Falls in Geelong, Victoria.
Erskine Falls near Lorne, Victoria.
Hopetoun Falls near Beech Forest, Victoria.
La La Falls near Warburton, Yarra Valley.
Mackenzie Falls in the Grampians, Victoria.
Narracan Falls near Moe, Gippsland
Nigretta Falls near Hamilton, Victoria.
Sailors Falls near Daylesford, Victoria.
Sheoak Falls near Lorne, Victoria.
Silverband Falls in the Grampians, Victoria.
Steavenson Falls in Marysville, Victoria.
Toorongo Falls near Noojee, Gippsland.
Trentham Falls near Daylesford, Victoria.
Triplet Falls near Beech Forest, Victoria.
Wannon Falls near Hamilton, Victoria.
Waterfalls in Western Australia
Fortescue Falls in Karijini National Park, the Pilbara.
Horizontal Falls in the Kimberley, Western Australia.
Hovea Falls near Perth, Western Australia.
Lesmurdie Falls near Perth, Western Australia.
Serpentine Falls near Perth, Western Australia.